  • Highest
  • Lowest
  • Number of lots traded (10,000 lots)
  • Turnover(Billion)

Up to 2024-07-27 18:52:02 Beijing Time * There is a delay of more than 15 minutes in the quotation。Source of information:Tencent Finance

Company Information
Company information details
  • Registered office
    Registered office

    4th Floor, Building 35, No. 1–42
    Lane 83, Hongxiang North Road
    Lin-gang Special Area
    China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone

  • Headquarters and main place of business in China
    Headquarters and main place of business in China

    555 Chuanda Road,

    Chuansha New Town, Pudong New Area,

    Shanghai, China

  • Main place of business in Hong Kong
    Main place of business in Hong Kong

    19/F, Prosperity Tower,

    39 Queen's Road Central,

    Hong Kong

  • The company secretary
    The company secretary

    Mr. Chan Pui Hang

    (Member of the Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute)

    Hong Kong

    Ms Cao Xue


  • Authorized representative
    Authorized representative

    Mr Fei Zhengxiang


    Mr. Chan Pui Hang

    (Member of the Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute)

    Hong Kong

  • Audit committee
    Audit committee

    Mr Chen Yi(chairman)

    Mr Jin Yiting

    Dr XiaoFei

  • Remuneration committee
    Remuneration committee

    Mr Jin Yiting(chairman)

    Dr Xiao Fei

    Mr Chen Junhua

  • Nominating committee
    Nominating committee

    Dr Xiao Fei(chairman)

    Mr Chen Yi

    Mr Xia Guoping

  • Hong Kong Securities Registry
    Hong Kong Securities Registry

    Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

    Hong Kong

    Wan chai

    183 Queen's Road East

    17th Floor Hopewell Center

    Shop 1712-1716